Supporting a corporate governance professional to manage a new role operating within an unfamiliar governance framework


  • The individual was seeking a structured way of thinking about how to ensure that they were as effective as possible. They also wanted to identify a strategy for stretching themselves and gaining experience that would enable them to move on to more senior roles in the future.
  • The individual felt that they would benefit from dedicated time working with an experienced corporate governance professional outside their organisation, as they did not have anybody within the organisation with such a background that they could turn to.


  • Undertook a successful introductory “chemistry” session with the Mentee to confirm the likely success of the relationship.
  • Worked with Mentee to clarify what they wanted to achieve, determine their existing situation and the possibilities with regard to moving from that existing situation to achieving their vision.
  • Enabled Mentee to determine the actions that they would take and how they would hold themselves to account for taking this action.

 Outcomes and benefits

  • Mentee clearly identified outcomes that they wanted to achieve as a result of the mentoring relationship – more effective management of meetings and more productive relationships in the workplace.
  • Mentee identified SMART actions to be taken to achieve desired outcomes.
  • Mentee reported improved effectiveness as a result of relationship.


“Thank you so much for your incredible support, it really has been absolutely invaluable in the sessions we've had; there's been a real change in how I manage meetings and work relationships more widely as a result.”